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Want to know

A picture of Jonas Kubesch

Jonas Kubesch is a 20 years old programmer from Salzburg that currently studies Game Development and Augmented Reality at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg in Austria. 

His main programming languages are C# and C++, but he also knows PHP/SQL and some JavaScript. His favourite courses are related to Computergraphics and Computervision, implemented with OpenCV and OpenGL. The astounding images and scenes that can be created with just a few lines of code and shaders is what really gets him about those subjects, and when playing around with it there is always room for amazing new interactions.  

In his free time Jonas enjoys bouldering, going on via ferratas (rock climbing with artificial holds and ropes) or skiing. Gaming is also an essential part of his life, so if you are into League of Legends, Counterstrike or Osu!, feel free to contact him. 

Besides that, he is also a volunteer at the Austrian Red Cross and works shifts as a paramedic regularly. Jonas is a part time software developer at W&H Austria in Bürmoos. His occupation there is to bring internal software up to date and develop new features or small programs in C#. Additionally he is a Financial Trainee for the OVB Consulting Group Austria.

Don’t be shy to hit Jonas up about his work, projects or hobbies, he always likes to meet new people, extend his network or just have a nice chat.


University of Applied Sciences Salzburg

Multimedia Technology Game

Sep 2020 - Jun 2023

Borg Nonntal

Computer Science

Sep 2015 - Jul 2019