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W&H Bürmoos

Software Developer

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Jul 2021 - Jun 2022

W&H Bürmoos is a leading worldwide company that creates dentist utensils.

W&H Bürmoos banner

I started this job out as a 6 week long summer internship in the IT Enterprise System department of W&H Bürmoos.

The first project i got assigned to was a checklist creator, that fetched data from the company database and converts them into printable PDFs.
For this i used C# and got in touch with ABCPDF, a handy tool to generate and draw into PDF files, and SOAP APIs. Shortly after finishing this project and deploying it onto the production servers via Azure DevOps Pipelines, my internship was about to end, and i got offered to stay as a part time student worker.

I happily agreed and got assigned a bigger project, which revloves around keeping the company product site up to date. Due to W&H beeing in the medical department, there are strict regulations about the avaivability of usermanuals and products, and there need to be daily updates.
The codebase is mainly C# and utilizes JSON Parsers and WPF.